Love or Money?
I find it astrologically fitting that Valentine’s Day has become an incredibly commercialized holiday - ruled, as it is, by the planet of money, Venus. Planets are always accompanied by ancient myths, no matter if you read Vedic, Western or Shinto astrology. These planets morph and change as part of our collective (i.e. human kind) evolution:how we choose to embrace, mark, and otherwise differentiate these energies in our lifetime.
So this Valentine’s Day, I ask - what are you more in need of: Love, or money?
Because, as you might know, these are both ruled by Venus in our chart. And the interpretation is up to both your intuition - and a gifted reader - to see how that energy expresses yourself. But only you know what you really need right now - and in our post-capitalism society, we easily substitute one form of need for the other. Conflating energies until we are confused just what we value - in ourselves, in others and in our exchanges.
If you find yourself in need of love, let’s explore the entire zodiac wheel and its 12 houses. Your core need for love is found in whatever house your Venus occupies. Which means, there is a wide range of how we need to feel loved in this lifetime, and a wide range of how others need to as well.
A quick note on how to find your own details:
Go to Astro Charts
Enter your birth time and place. Note if time is unknown, reading for house sign may be challenging.
Look at your Venus placement and note the sign.
Look at your 2nd house cusp.
Example chart: 2nd house Capricorn, Venus in Aries
As we take into account sign, house and if a very accurate birth time, even degree of our sign. I find that level of possibility exhilarating and inspiring - how beautiful it is to feel love and give love in many different ways. Too often we ask our partner (or desire a singular partner) to satisfy so many of our needs - when it is just a small part of our charts.
So let’s explore:
Here are the different placements where you might find it in your chart, and how you might better love yourself/others.
First house - Self love. Gets a bad rap for being selfish. The high vibe of this house is to love yourself so much you give of yourself, freely and easily. And in the process excite and invigorate others.
Second house - Pleasure. At a low vibe, gluttony. At a high vibe, a master of the material realm, the creator of impeccable environments, and comfortable in the realm of self worth.
Third house - Information. Puzzles, word games, witty repartees. The kind of playing you did as a kid with your siblings or neighborhood friends. This is lighthearted and seeks to amuse and be amused.
Fourth house - The nurturer. One who deeply wants to be held on all levels of existence. This is the person we come to heal our hurts - and who in turn, needs you to listen. I think of the Rabbit in one of my son’s favorite books who can sit with someone through their emotional arch.
Fifth house - Specialist. Meaning, at their highest vibration, they know what makes them unique and can shine that spotlight on anyone to make them feel like the most important person in the room. Death here is to say “you aren’t that wonderful.” They will spend more energy proving you wrong, talking over you, grasping for love, or go sulk offstage.
Sixth house - Attentive. A love language of acts of service - to give and to get. They notice the small details, when things are off, and are busy integrating all their insights to give you what they find you need. Remind them to give to the themselves - notice the small things about them lovingly.
Seventh house - Partnership. At a low vibe, co-dependency. At a high vibe, interdependence. Knowing how to come together for mutual strength and enforcement. This is the sign who would want to do the “couple” things everywhere they went - not for performance, but because it makes them happy to see you happy.. And to be together.
Eighth house - Intimacy. Staring deep into a soul is what lights this person on fire. They want to see the tough stuff. Couples therapy is an aphrodisiac. A couple’s ayahuasca trip is table stakes - they want to go as deep as possible. At a low vibe, active destruction or complete indifference to your boundaries. At a high vibe, can hold your darkness with intense loving.
Ninth house - Fast moving joy. Getting on a plane last minute, doing something new, having a wild party. Anything that gets them moving and into new environments. At a low vibe, sensation seeking without integration. At a high vibe, a guru full of wisdom and kindness to share with anyone encountered along the way.
Tenth house - Status, longevity, commitment. They take their role in the relationship seriously - love looks like planning a future together, and taking care of all the practical thing. At a low vibe, a dictatorial control freak. At a high vibe, about a legacy of integrity, value and structure that supports as many as possible.
Eleventh house - Breakthroughs, avant-garde, edge cases. This is someone who wants to know what’s possible. And is inspired by just how different everyday can be. An idealist at heart - they believe so deeply in the human experience. At a low vibe - a martyr for a lost cause. At a high vibe - a leader of a revolution.
Twelfth house - Faith and trust personified. They are on a cosmic, soul wavelength. At a low vibe, manipulates everyone and everything with some wave. At a high vibe, in order surrender, moving easily on throughout life, surfing the waves as they come. Feels best in motion, with ample freedom.
Here’s where to look in your chart to see the best kind of money generation for your unique self:
The sign on the 2nd house is what comes due to you. It’s your paycheck, the money in your bank account, and the currency which you feel most rewarded by. The 2nd house is one of the 12th - all of which are working together to create the seen and unseen structures of an economy. Too often today we use our money (or salary or net worth) as a proximity for value. (I know I have been guilty of it.)
The 2nd house has so much influence from the other succedent houses which both draw on its resources and combat for their own needs - whether generative creativity, the marketplaces of others, or how we scale or creations for commercialization. For this Valentine’s day, I want to reframe the money conversation to what you value. As you pull up your chart to look at the ruler (i.e. sign) on your 2nd house, think through both sides of an exchange. What do you value about yourself? And what of your values do you want to be rewarded for?
For Money:
Aries on 2nd - Take a risk. Light a pile of money on fire. Do something that makes you feel vital, passionate, and tests your limits. Spend passionately. Pro tip - create a budget for wanton spending but know you will have to hold yourself to it.
Taurus on 2nd - What of your earthly experience and enjoyment are you willing to commercialize? And if you don’t want to force your many talents into a single container, invest your cash into a REIT or government bond - stable maturity is your BFF. Can also be paid for your taste.
Gemini on 2nd - The number of traders I know who are Geminis simply so they can exchange (and profit from) information all day long? Do the same. Find something you know - or you want to eavesdrop on - and participate fully. Whether NFTs, reddit stock markets, building market plans or developing a side education hustle.
Cancer on 2nd - Coaching. Baking. Non-profits. Finding ways to bring your copious love and ability to invest 1:1 with people in a way that also nurtures you and your pocket book. The important part here is being seen (and compensated) for your gifts as much as people want to use them.
Leo on 2nd - You are the rare bird who can easily commercialize your artistic talents. And we are all better for it. Seek that spotlight and get that cash.
Virgo on 2nd - Paid for your discretion. You are the one who notices all the tiny errors, things out of whack. Whether you apply to branding, financial markets, or scents, it is up to you. You have a very refined sense of good & bad (and the sensitivity to go with it).
Libra on 2nd - Business development lead, partner manager, sales team lead. Or perhaps an artist or brand known for it’s many cross promotions. No one is better at making money with others than you. Key word - with.
Scorpio on 2nd - Head of a bank, head of the FBI. A fixer - the guy on a hedge fund who makes things go right and no one really check into the how. You are paid for working in shadow environments on behalf of more powerful organizations. Or pioneering designers drugs of the future. Keep skirting those grey areas and charging money.
Sagittarius on 2nd - If it’s not fun and fast moving, you aren’t doing it. Conversely, people will pay you to move things along, bring joy and in general be the last one standing. Use all that energy to whatever end fuels your passion. You have range - physical, financial and educational.
Capricorn on 2nd - If you aren’t in charge or aren’t working for a brand name, you won’t be happy. You are happy to climb the ranks as long as there is an ever bigger pool of money to compensate you.
Aquarius on 2nd - Whatever exists on the fringe of society ot make money, that’s where you will be. Remember to be rewarded for your genius - but you’ll have to find it and make it concrete for others first.
Pisces on 2nd - You are the muse, your are the mermaid, you are subject to tidal fluctuations in your income coupled with the ability to manifest better than anyone. Enjoy floating on your own wavelength and make sure you are saving for the inevitable rainy days. Your income can fluctuate much like the King tides .
IF YOU WANT BOTH… (and let’s be honest, we all do)
It is about discernment - what parts of our lives come together, what thrives best separately. And how do we integrate them in space and time.
For this love & money post, think about both placements together and consider how best to harmonize the two of them together. Don’t think of them as oppositions, but rather two important factors in an equation.
It is often a form of synthesis, a form of integration. Of knowing what place our desires, values and gifts take in our life. Of giving thanks for the myriad of people and organizations who enable us to live the life we want to live. Of living in awe of this creative, emotional, and complex system of life. And constantly striving to find our place in it.
With an abundance of soulful wealth,