Make your work and wealth magical

Navigating a career change?

Wanting more woo with your money?

Finding your own version of success?

Exploring potential pathways to wealth?

This deck is for you.

Tarot for Wealth is an inclusive, powerful deck that occupies a space in our work lives - intellectually, emotionally, and physically.

The designers, Jess and Jenn, possess 30 years of corporate, startup and tech experience between them. Tarot lives in our break rooms, late-night working sessions, and at home.

Tarot for Wealth helps you navigate questions with no clear answers other than your intuition. May it also help guide you to your highest and best good.

Turn to this deck for…

Thank you to our talented reviewers

A tarot practice is highly individualistic while also based on several centuries of shared meanings.

We are so thankful to the trusted folks who helped us translate the language of Tarot into this inclusive work narrative.

Susan // Hannah // Grace

Katie // Maria // Caroline

Want more? Drop a note

The Star