Futurist Astrologer

As a professional Futurist for 20 years, I have always seen uncommon solutions and creative breakthroughs in all aspects of modern life. I am always a champion of innovation and where we are going.

Money has been a lifelong exploration - what is it, how is it created, what purpose does secrecy, mysticism and taboo hold over it? Both having a Wharton MBA and working with and for some of the leading financial institutions, entrepreneurs and innovators, it remains as elusive as ever.

Astrology is a way to find your unique path to wealth & abundance. To find ways to be infinitely creative within your fate. To find the points of free will and choice. To be more conscious & conscience of the systems we create and maintain in our pursuit of wealth.

I see the world as a series of stories that connect to others and create all the changes we see today and in the future.

Let’s talk through all the taboo and mystical parts of your wealth & abundance.